Welcome to Mººt@tº!
(unless of course, you're not supposed to be here)

To further supplement your Mootato experience, I have made the background the same as what is on my desktop right now.
This is bullet #2. It serves the purpose of being bullet #2. Enjoy bullet #2.
OK, I can scrawl my thoughts here to enlighten you. Here's my thoughts for... well until I change them. I really need to do dishes... they're piling up... and I gotta put more stuff on this page, you can't even see the main part of this picture yet, yet you can see old main! (hehe, I'm clever.) Note to self: Smaller image next time? Uh.. OK I'm out of thoughts so I'll continue.
Further thoughts: I feel like utter poo right now, but I want chipotle for food. Also, I changed the background on my computer, so I also changed the one on here.
I have this cool camera.. and this is some of the things I can do with it.
Nothing is random if you're crazy enough.
Cool Mooified stuff
Comics I've kept for like 4 years.
Miss the book? Click here!
"I dunno what's snoo with you?"
I can't afford to be smart.
You really don't wanna click here
Perhaps you're curious about how it's working for Charlie and Blue to live together. If you are.... MOOO!!!
Wow... You can't actually see what my desktop picture is. It's a penguin wearing a shirt that says "I like Mike" (no I'm not weird like that to have a picture of my school as my desktop pattern)
Wondering what else is happening? Then... yeah
Here's a good description of how the dorm's going...
By the way, this is a pic of me and this is my site.
Alright... if you made it all the way to the bottom of the front page: Kudos. I spell checked the whole site, so if you see any spelling errors: eat it. Thank you, good night!